The human skin is a kind of a mirror in which the state of the whole organism is reflected. Our appearance is affected by a number of factors, from hydration and adequate sleep to nutrition and exposure to toxins. Therefore, it should not come as a surprise that our appearance is also affected by alcohol, especially when consumed in excessive amounts. How exactly does this stimulant affect the appearance of the face? The exhaustive answer to this question can be found in the article below!
There are many stereotypes about the appearance of an alcoholic. A red face or puffy eyes are some of the many features that are attributed to alcohol abuse. It is worth remembering, however, that they do not have to be symptoms of alcoholism. Appearance can deteriorate drastically even after a one-time, heavily drunk party. Changes in the appearance of the face are closely related to the direct effects that alcohol has on our body.
Do you notice puffy eyes after last night's party? Blue bags under the eyes significantly worsen your appearance? Don't worry, it will pass! Puffiness around the eyes usually goes away on its own 12 to 24 hours after the body metabolizes the alcohol intake. However, it is worth knowing that this characteristic ailment has several causes.
Higher doses of alcohol cause the tiny blood vessels around the eyes to become slightly more permeable. Puffy eyes are therefore caused by nothing else than the accumulation of fluid just under the skin. The appearance of the face is not improved by the fact that alcohol contributes to the dilation of blood vessels in the eyes, thus causing them to turn red.
Wondering why your face is swollen after a party? Dehydration is to blame! Alcohol is a drug that has a strong diuretic effect. Growing dehydration causes the body to protect itself against excessive water loss, retaining it, among others, within the subcutaneous tissue. The unsightly swelling of the face after alcohol is nothing more than the accumulation of water within its tissues.
Redness of the face after alcohol is a very common condition. However, it is worth remembering that its causes may be different, depending on the period of alcohol abuse.
Red blushes immediately after drinking alcohol are not a cause for concern. Redness of the face after a few deeper ones usually appears in people who have a natural predisposition to blushing. This is due to the temporary expansion of small blood vessels under the skin's surface. Facial flushing can also be caused by Asian flush syndrome, a genetic mutation leading to a deficiency of aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2). In people affected by this mutation, there is a rapid accumulation of acetaldehyde, which is manifested by reddening of the skin of the face, neck, arms and even the whole body.
There are other causes of a red face in an alcoholic who has been abusing alcohol for many years. This stimulant is an important risk factor for rosacea changes. In the course of this disease, there is permanent redness of the face, as well as nodularity of the nose, commonly called the nose of an alcoholic. Rosacea is also characterized by the appearance of telangiectasias on the face, - dilated and twisted small red blood vessels. However, this symptom may indicate the development of another, much more dangerous disease. A red face in an alcoholic, along with the appearance of telangiectasias, may be one of the symptoms of cirrhosis of the liver.
Redness or swelling of the face after alcohol are usually multifactorial problems. However, that doesn't mean they can't be dealt with quickly! How can alcohol detoxification reduce facial marks from last night's party? The most important in this case is deep hydration, which helps to reduce alcohol puffiness on the face. Intravenous administration of fluids also supports detoxification of the body from harmful alcohol metabolites that increase the bad appearance of the skin. Alcohol detoxification also contains antioxidants, such as vitamin C or coenzyme Q10, thanks to which it reduces oxidative stress.
A red face or puffy eyes after alcohol are undoubtedly one of the least annoying ailments after an intense party. If your morning started with a gigantic hangover, you would probably do anything to quickly improve your mood. However, all you have to do is call us and we will put you back on your feet in an hour! Why is it worth taking advantage of alcohol detoxification at KacDoktor? It's easy! Many years of experience and vast knowledge of our specialists make our services stand out with effectiveness, high quality and safety.
You can use alcohol detoxification conducted by doctors and paramedics in our modern clinic located in the center of Warsaw. You can also call us or fill out the online form, and our specialist will come to the address in Warsaw and surroundings. The home alcohol detox service is available 24 hours a day, every day of the week, so you can improve your well-being even right after the party.
Don't let alcohol ruin your health and appearance! Reach for alcohol detoxification and reduce the harmful effects of this stimulant on your body!